Environmental Liability: Know and mitigate against the risks to your business
Environmental Liability Directive [ELD] 2004/35/EC came into force across Europe during 2009 where failure to comply with pollution prevention guidelines can result in fines and more significantly reformation / reinstatement costs which can run into many millions of Euro or Dollars. Unlike earlier directives, the EID applies to all businesses large and small alike and...
READ ARTICLE >Simple Guide to Pollution Prevention for Businesses
Everybody has heard of major environmental disasters and the legal, public relation and financial costs to high profile business, right!! Less well known are the easily avoidable environmental issues applicable to all types of business, be they SMEs or large Multi-National Companies, which add significant cost to businesses every year. Hands Up which businesses would...
READ ARTICLE >Great questions make great reporting.
Reports are great when they are accurate, to the point and understandable Documentation and reporting are fundamental to the management of environmental requirements. Technical Review Environmental Sustainability Cost-Benefit Analysis License Application and Review Environmental Compliance Environmental Liability Risk Assessments ECOS prepares and presents reports to assist clients to meet their corporate and legal requirements. We...
READ ARTICLE >Is your environmental information reliable?
Reliable information is a fundamental requirement for environmental issues to be correctly assessed. Do you know what information is required? How do you know that your information is reliable? Do you have the knowledge required to interpret environmental data and information? ECOS supports you to identify your environmental requirements, interpret technical information and address potential...
READ ARTICLE >Prevention is Better than Cure: Sustainability
Pollution prevention rather than trying to address problems caused by pollution is essential for efficient, economically viable development, ie Sustainable Development. It makes sense, both economically and environmentally, to. Reduce the input of materials and energy Minimize the amount of waste for treatment and disposal Reuse or sympathetically dispose/treat of wastes Invest in prevention to save...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Management System Structure
The components of an Environmental Management System (EMS) (as defined under the ISO 14001 specification, EMAS Regulation or in a license) incorporates: Baseline Environmental Review/Audit Planning Environmental Policy Environmental Objectives and Targets EM Programme Implementation and Operation Operational Control Emergency Preparedness and Response Responsibility Allocation Awareness and Training Communications Check and Review Checks and Corrective...
READ ARTICLE >Enforcement Policy: Illegal Waste Activity
Limerick County Council’s Enforcement Policy document sets out the policy framework that Limerick County Council will use in acting against illegal waste activity. The legislation which The Council operate under is the Waste Management Acts 1996 to 2008 (WMA Acts). Underlying the policy against illegal waste activity are: Proportionality in the application of environmental law...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Liability
The European Communities (Environmental Liability) Regulations 2008, (SI 547 of 2008) came into force in Ireland on 1 April 2009 with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage. Environmental liability is based on the “polluter-pays” principle. The Regulations introduced a positive reporting obligation on operators in respect of actual or threatened environmental damage....
READ ARTICLE >What is Environmental Damage?
The Environmental Liability Regulations 2008 define environmental damage under three categories: Damage to natural habitats and protected species – any damage that has significant adverse effects on reaching or maintaining the favourable conservation status of European designated habitats or species (i.e. those covered by the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) Damage which significantly...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Liability Directive
The Environmental Liability Directive (2004/35/EC) is based on the ‘polluter pays’ principle. It requires those operators whose activities pose an imminent threat of environmental damage to take preventive actions, and where such damage has occurred, to remediate it and cover the costs of these measures and any costs incurred by the competent authority (Environmental Protection...