Waste is a resource which is not being used correctly

Waste is a resource which is not being used correctly

Waste is a resource which is not being used correctly.

Often greater value can be achieved through improved management of production costs and resource used as opposed to increased sales.

The circular economy eliminates the concept of waste and recognises that everything has a value.  This includes looking at waste as the underutilisation of resources.

  • Circular supply chain:  Introduces fully renewable, recyclable, or biodegradable materials that can be used in consecutive life cycles.
  • Recovery and recycling:  Creates production and consumption systems in which everything that used to be considered a waste is revived for other uses.
  • Product life-extension:  By maintaining and improving products this model elongates their life.
  • Sharing platform:  This model helps businesses and consumers save money and make money while more effectively using assets.
  • Product as a service:  Performance of a product is valued over volume of sales and “leases” products instead of selling them.

For more information on how to optimise your resources please contact ECOS.

T:  +353 (0) 61 633644  E:  info@ecos.ie  W: www.ecos.ie
