EPA Licence: How to avoid “death by a thousand cuts”
An EPA Licence include those issued in respect of Integrated Pollution Control (IPC), Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) or Waste facilities. When your licence is managed correctly it becomes just another part of your business. When you are not in control the process becomes “death by a thousand cuts”. All EPA licences are issued with a variety of...
READ ARTICLE >EPA New Template for AER
The Environmental Protection have developed a new template for AER 2019 reporting and announced an extension to the reporting deadline. The Annual Environmental Report (AER) is a requirement for all EPA licensed facilities and should present a concise summary of the environmental performance of the site for the previous reporting year as well as a record of...
READ ARTICLE >Best Available Techniques (BAT): New Standards
Best Available Techniques (BAT): New Standards aim to increase value or reduce costs. ECOS works with our clients to increase value or reduce costs by implementing new Best Available Techniques (BAT) emissions and efficiency standards. The new specifications are the result of a review of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document (BREF) for Waste...
READ ARTICLE >Financial Provision for Environmental Liabilities
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2019 document on Environmental Liabilities and Financial Provision provides guidance to ensure that adequate funds are available to pay for remediation of environmental damage and pollution and provide for safe closure and incident management at licensed facilities. Financial Provisions can take the form of : Secured bank accounts On-demand performance bonds Parental...
READ ARTICLE >Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is now Environmental Performance Reporting (EPR)
From January 2019, the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) reporting of annual mass emissions and waste transfers will be completed using the new Environmental Performance Reporting (EPR) online application, which will be available through the EDEN portal. The pollutant release and transfer register lists in excess of 350 industrial facilities engaged in environmentally hazardous activities. Those activities are...
READ ARTICLE >Annual Environmental Report
The Annual Environmental Report (AER) is a requirement for all EPA licensed facilities. The content of the AER should give a concise summary of the environmental performance of the site for the previous reporting year as well as a record of on-going improvements on the licensed site. The EPA have published a Draft AER Guidance...
READ ARTICLE >EPA Firewater Retention Guidance
The revised Firewater Retention Guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) presents key changes relating to to qualifying criteria. The revised qualifying criteria will need to be considered when undertaking your firewater retention assessment: Environmentally hazardous substance storage thresholds are now based on hazard statements instead of risk phases. Environmental receptors are now an explicitly...
READ ARTICLE >EPA: New Water Indicators Report
The EPA has released a new water indicators’ report for Ireland. The 16 indicators in the report provide information on the quality of Ireland’s rivers, lakes, estuaries, beaches and groundwaters. These indicators will help identify the right actions for the protection and improvement of water quality in Ireland and will help track progress with the implementation of the...
READ ARTICLE >EPA National Water Event 2018 – Pathways to Progress
The Environmental Protection Agency is organising the National Water Event 2018 titled “Pathways to Progress” on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st June 2018 in the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Galway. This event is a key forum for Local Authorities, Regulators and Water Professionals to learn about current changes in Ireland’s water policy and practices. Talks will...
READ ARTICLE >Industrial Emissions Directive: Explained
The Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (IED) is aimed at reducing emissions from industrial production processes using an integrated approach to management environmental emissions and impact. In the past the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland has issued Waste Licences and IPPC Licences for activities which are listed in the Third and Fourth Schedules to the Waste Management...