Anaerobic Digestion Capacity >75 tonnes per day will be subject to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) from 2015
Anaerobic Digestion Capacity >75 tonnes per day will be subject to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) from 2015. A review of EU industrial pollution guidance for waste treatment plants has begun. The existing technical reference document (BREF) was adopted by the European Commission in 2006. It outlines the best available techniques (BAT) and associated emission levels...
READ ARTICLE >Review of BAT Reference document for Waste Treatments Closing date is Friday 21st March 2014
The European IPPC Bureau publishes a range of reference documents on Best Available Techniques (commonly known as Bref Documents or Brefs). A review of the reference document on Best Available Techniques for waste treatments (WT Bref) has commenced. The Bureau will be assisted by a technical working group (TWG) comprising representatives from the EU member...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Management: Draft BAT for pig and poultry installations issued
The European Commission’s Seville-based IPPC bureau has released the second draft of revised EU guidance on best available techniques (BAT) to reduce pollution from pig and poultry installations. The new draft specifies BAT techniques and their associated emission levels (AELs) from which limit values will be derived in pollution permits determined by national authorities, taking into account local conditions....