Farm Hazardous Waste Collection Campaign

The Farm Hazardous Waste Collection Campaign was established to provide farmers with an accessible location in which they can safely dispose of hazardous waste. The scheme is led by the EPA in collaboration with Teagasc, the Department for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE), and local authorities.  Whilst...


EPA is making waves with new website

The EPA has launched – a new mobile enabled website providing information about bathing water at Ireland’s beautiful beaches and lakes. The website will allow people to access the information they need before a day out at the seaside. is set up for mobile devices so allowing visitors quick and easy access to...


EU chemicals legislation – Chemical safety in your business

Most companies use chemicals in one way or another. They are essential for our way of life and our economy, but they have to be managed safely so as to protect human health and the environment. Equal standards for the manufacturing, supply and safe use of chemicals apply across the entire European Economic Area (EEA) to...


New eGuide on safety data sheets and exposure scenarios

The eGuide on safety data sheets an interactive online publication that aims to provide information on safety data sheets and exposure scenarios in a user friendly way. Its simple structure makes it suitable as both a training tool and reference tool to help employees use chemicals safely.  Some users may require a brief overview of the...


Hazard Labelling – CLP Regulation Information Sheet

Classification, Labelling and Packaging is generally abbreviated to CLP. CLP Regulation covers hazardous chemicals sold to professional users and consumers. The HSA has produced an information sheet which outlines the key requirements for the labelling and packaging of hazardous chemicals under the CLP Regulation. All hazardous chemicals (substances and mixtures) placed on the market must be...


Chemical Safety and Your Business

Companies of all sizes are responsible for the safety of chemicals that they place on the EU market. Recent surveys and checks by inspectors show that many small companies using chemicals are still unaware of REACH and CLP or may think that the EU’s chemical law does not apply to their business. The leaflet “Chemical Safety...


Chemical Handling Directive aims to protect workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals

The new ‘Chemical Handling Directive’ 2014/27/EU proposes to better protect workers from risks linked to exposure to chemicals at the workplace. This Directive amends five existing EU health and safety Directives on protection of workers from exposure to harmful chemicals to align them with the latest rules on classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals (Regulation (EC) 1272/2008)....


Safety Health Sand Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013 ( S.I. No. 572 of 2013) sets down the minimum requirements for the protection of workers from the health risks associated with biological agents in the workplace. The regulations must be applied to any activity where workers are actually or potentially exposed to biological agents as...


2012 survey of chemical usage in Irish workplaces

The Chemical Usage Survey was undertaken by the Authority in 2012. This was a follow up survey to the Chemical Usage Survey carried out in 2007. The aim of the 2007 survey was to produce a profile of chemical usage in Irish workplaces which could then be used by the Health and Safety Authority to...


ADR Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide for Business

Dangerous goods are substances and articles which have been identified as hazardous for transport and present a risk to people, property and the environment. The ADR Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide For Business has been arranged to provide a comprehensive summary of the legal provisions of the ADR (European Agreement Concerning the International...