New eGuide on safety data sheets and exposure scenarios
The eGuide on safety data sheets an interactive online publication that aims to provide information on safety data sheets and exposure scenarios in a user friendly way. Its simple structure makes it suitable as both a training tool and reference tool to help employees use chemicals safely.
Some users may require a brief overview of the key points, while others may want to take a closer look at a specific point. The online format enables users to find the information they need easily, and to go into greater depth when necessary. Advice is provided on how to use safety data sheet information to help protect human health and the environment within their organisation.
The eGuide includes:
- short informative video tutorials;
- examples of safety data sheets and exposure scenarios;
- clear descriptions of what information is contained in each section of the safety data sheet and exposure scenario;
- advice on what to do to promote safe use and regulatory compliance;
- a toolbox that allows the user to compare how they use the substance with the conditions contained in the exposure scenario;
- answers to the most frequently asked questions;
- annotated templates for exposure scenarios; and
- supplementary information and useful links to other relevant sources.
This development forms part of ECHA’s contribution to support processing and use of information related to chemical safety report and exposure scenarios at the end user level.
More Information is available from:
- eGuide for safety data sheets and exposure scenarios
- Interactive map of information for downstream users
Source: ECHA