Annual Environmental Report
The Annual Environmental Report (AER) is a requirement for all EPA licensed facilities. The content of the AER should give a concise summary of the environmental performance of the site for the previous reporting year as well as a record of on-going improvements on the licensed site. The EPA have published a Draft AER Guidance...
READ ARTICLE >Industrial Emissions Directive: Explained
The Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (IED) is aimed at reducing emissions from industrial production processes using an integrated approach to management environmental emissions and impact. In the past the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland has issued Waste Licences and IPPC Licences for activities which are listed in the Third and Fourth Schedules to the Waste Management...
READ ARTICLE >Anaerobic Digestion Capacity >75 tonnes per day will be subject to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) from 2015
Anaerobic Digestion Capacity >75 tonnes per day will be subject to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) from 2015. A review of EU industrial pollution guidance for waste treatment plants has begun. The existing technical reference document (BREF) was adopted by the European Commission in 2006. It outlines the best available techniques (BAT) and associated emission levels...