Hazard Labelling – CLP Regulation Information Sheet
Classification, Labelling and Packaging is generally abbreviated to CLP. CLP Regulation covers hazardous chemicals sold to professional users and consumers. The HSA has produced an information sheet which outlines the key requirements for the labelling and packaging of hazardous chemicals under the CLP Regulation. All hazardous chemicals (substances and mixtures) placed on the market must be...
READ ARTICLE >Key Responsibilities for EU importers of Chemical Substances and mixtures under the REACH, CLP and Rotterdam Regulations
The Irish Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has produced an information sheet which outlines the key responsibilities for EU importers of chemical substances and mixtures under the REACH, CLP and Rotterdam Regulations, for which the HSA is the relevant Competent Authority in Ireland. Import means the physical introduction into the customs territory of the EU....
READ ARTICLE >Safety Health Sand Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013 ( S.I. No. 572 of 2013) sets down the minimum requirements for the protection of workers from the health risks associated with biological agents in the workplace. The regulations must be applied to any activity where workers are actually or potentially exposed to biological agents as...