Industrial Emissions Directive: Explained
The Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (IED) is aimed at reducing emissions from industrial production processes using an integrated approach to management environmental emissions and impact. In the past the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland has issued Waste Licences and IPPC Licences for activities which are listed in the Third and Fourth Schedules to the Waste Management...
READ ARTICLE >Overview of GreenStart Funding Support
GreenStart provides an introduction to environmental best practice and helps in the preparation of a formalised environmental management structure. This can help your company achieve competitive advantage through greater resource efficiency (energy/water/waste costs) and greater market share through enhanced credentials in a short, focused engagement. The initiative is designed for companies that are unfamiliar with...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Management: Legislation & Best Practice
Environmental management has a raft of legislation associated with it covering air emissions water, waste water, integrated pollution control now known as industrial emissions. Environmental management has significant implications for business in terms of legal compliance, cost and technical measures to be implemented. How you address environmental management can have a significant bearing on your business and profitability. There are...
READ ARTICLE >Concrete: Environmental Management – Whole of Life
The production of concrete and of concrete structures consumes large amounts of resources, such as water, energy, cement and steel and emit large amounts of CO2 in their production processes. ISO 13315-1:2012, Environmental management for concrete and concrete structures – Part 1: General Principles, aims to provide the basic rules on environmental management for concrete...
READ ARTICLE >Innovative Water and Wastewater applications for businesses, Large and Small
ECOS Environmental Consultants provide advice to all types businesses, large & small. We work in the areas of Water & Wastewater Quality, Treatment & Management Compliance with legal standards and regulations and other corporate requirements. We also provide outsourced Environmental Management Services Product & Process Optimization/Development Legislation & Best Practice Liability & Risk Evaluation Training,...
READ ARTICLE >Viability and Sustainability Requirements for Business
Sustainable options can assist businesses to become more economically viable and compliant with legal and Corporate requirements. ECOS enables all types of businesses to sustainably meet their targets and address their economic and environmental requirements. ✓ Reduce the input of materials and energy ✓ Reuse or sympathetically dispose/treat of wastes ✓ Employ the most...
READ ARTICLE >Save money through informed pollution prevention
Prevention of waste production and pollution is more efficient and economically viable than non-compliance with legal requirements. ECOS helps all types of businesses to cost effectively comply with legal requirements and prevent pollution. ✓ Reduce the input of materials and energy ✓ Reuse or sympathetically dispose/treat of wastes ✓ Employ the most...
READ ARTICLE >“An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”
Business can save money through informed pollution prevention. Prevention is more efficient and economically viable than non-compliance with legal requirements. ECOS helps all types of businesses to cost effectively prevent pollution and comply with legal requirements. ✓ Reduce the input of materials and energy ✓ Minimize the amount of waste for treatment and disposal ✓ ...
READ ARTICLE >Water Reuse – Greywater Systems – Guidelines and Standards
The reuse of greywater and rainwater gains in importance due to high prices for public supplies of water. For greywater systems to become accepted, it is important to ensure good water quality and to minimize the potential risks associated with reusing the water. Testing of greywater systems can be carried out to the following existing...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Management: Nice Idea or Requirement?
Environmental management (EM) is the process of managing the issues associated with all the activities and technologies pertaining to an organisations environmental performance. Environmental management is based on the continuous improvement of an organisation’s environmental performance over time. An Environmental Management Systems (EMS) should therefore continuously change in line with the organisation’s activities and external...