Licencing Requirements for Wastewater discharged to sewer or receiving water

Whether your business is a small restaurant or a large multinational manufacturing industry,if it generates a wastewater which is discharged either to a sewer or a receiving water, a licence is required with very few exceptions. Time and time again we come across businesses have either had difficulties because they have not obtained a licence...


Our Clients value ECOS because We value them

Our Clients are SME and multi-national businesses who strive to achieve their specific corporate and regulatory needs relating to Water, Waste and Wastewater. Client needs vary from business to business and could relate to legal requirements to comply with permits and licences associated with virtually all activities relating to Waste and Wastewater or cost and...


Wastewater Discharge Licencing: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire – Establish the Facts to ensure you get the correct licence

Time and time again we come across businesses which have ended up with  unsustainable discharge licences primarily because they have not provided the licencing authority with the required information.  The applicant needs to be able to demonstrate to the licencing authority that a proposed or existing discharge can comply with the requirements of the Water...


Licenses Across Key Sectors of the Irish Economy

As part of the Action Plans for Jobs 2012 Forfás has reviewed 159 licences for key sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, food and drink, retail, hospitality and leisure, waste management, road haulage and construction. The key findings from the review include the relevant licensing authorities to: Proceed towards development of integrated licensing systems for retail,...


ADR Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide for Business

Dangerous goods are substances and articles which have been identified as hazardous for transport and present a risk to people, property and the environment. The ADR Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide For Business has been arranged to provide a comprehensive summary of the legal provisions of the ADR (European Agreement Concerning the International...


Viability and Sustainability Requirements for Business

Sustainable options can assist businesses to become more economically viable and compliant with legal and Corporate requirements. ECOS enables all types of businesses to sustainably meet their targets and address their economic and environmental requirements. ✓         Reduce the input of materials and energy ✓         Reuse or sympathetically dispose/treat of wastes ✓         Employ the most...


Minimize your environmental liability

Minimize potential environmental liability by ensuring that your business, employees and contractors understand: Legal & corporate requirements Their duties & obligations What to recognize What actions to take What and How to report Who is responsible Why it is important ECOS builds in-house expertise using a range of formal and informal training forums including one to...


Guidance on Reducing Business Waste – Limerick Clare Kerry

Limerick Clare Kerry Regional Waste Management Office co-ordinate the implementation of the objectives set out in the Limerick Clare Kerry Regional Waste Management Plan and ensure that the targets set out in the Plan are achieved within the specified dates. NIPP (or New Integrated Prevention Programme) is a co-ordinated programme of waste prevention initiatives undertaken...