What are the Benefits of a Waste Facility Permit?

A Waste facility permit is a legal requirement. 

In accordance with Section 39 of the Waste Management Act 1996, as amended, a waste authorisation is required in order for any person or company to conduct the treatment/storage/recycling/recovery or disposal of waste.

A waste authorisation may be in the form of either:

  • A Certificate of Registration (COR); or 
  • A Waste Facility Permit (WFP); or
  • Waste Licence

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for issuing and regulating Waste Licences, whilst local authorities are the regulatory authority for Certificates of Registration and Waste Facility Permits.

The type of authorisation which is required is determined by sectoral activity and various thresholds as presented in environmental regulations.

The benefits of having the correct type of authorisation includes:

  • Managed cost of application 
  • Ongoing cost of compliance
  • Enhanced stakeholder engagement
  • Reduced risk of legal action, potential fines, and possibly other enforcement actions.
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Reduced risk of business interruption

In order to obtain the correct waste authorisation, an applicant must be able to identify and classify their waste activity as presented in relevant waste management regulations. The local authority cannot provide guidance on this process and, as such, it is advised that you seek professional help to identify activities, roles and actions carried out during your processes such that a successful waste facility permit application, together with all relevant supporting documentation can be submitted to the relevant local authority.

All waste facility permits are issued with conditions.  Compliance with the conditions presented in a waste facility permit is required in order to :

  • Avoid legal action, potential fines, and possibly other enforcement actions.
  • Mitigate against adverse publicity
  • Reduce the risk of business interruption
  • Renew a waste facility permit

ECOS regularly prepares applications and renewal applications for waste facility permits and assist our clients to comply with the terms of their facility permits.

To learn more about applying for a waste facility permit please contact ECOS