How to obtain an Effluent Discharge Licence

How to obtain an Effluent Discharge Licence

Any company that discharges the following requires an effluent discharge licence:  Trade effluent (including cooling water) to waters  Sewage effluent to waters  Trade effluent (including cooling water) to sewers  Under the provisions of the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977 and 1990 and the Water Services Act 2007 to 2013, local authorities are responsible for...


Licences and Permits

Licences and Permits

ECOS work with a wide range of business sectors to obtain and manage a variety of environmental licences and permits including:  ECOS work with the key regulators, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Local Authorities and Irish Water to: For further information or assistance in prepare a licence application or manage compliance with your licence please contact us.


ECOS New Logo

ECOS have a new series of logos which will be rolled out over the next few weeks   Check out for our new website in the coming weeks     ECOS Environmental Consultants Limited


Wastewater Discharge Licencing: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire – Establish the Facts to ensure you get the correct licence

Time and time again we come across businesses which have ended up with  unsustainable discharge licences primarily because they have not provided the licencing authority with the required information.  The applicant needs to be able to demonstrate to the licencing authority that a proposed or existing discharge can comply with the requirements of the Water...