Safety Health Sand Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013 ( S.I. No. 572 of 2013) sets down the minimum requirements for the protection of workers from the health risks associated with biological agents in the workplace. The regulations must be applied to any activity where workers are actually or potentially exposed to biological agents as...


Surface waters: 12 new controlled chemicals, three pharmaceuticals on watch list

The WFD has been the EU’s main water policy instrument for setting anti-pollution strategies, including measures progressively to reduce or phase out emissions of chemicals listed as priority substances. EQS determine the maximum concentration of a particular pollutant or group of pollutants in water, sediment (any material which is carried by water and settles to...


Nitrates Directive: Good Agricultural Practice For Protection of Waters

Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, relates to management of farm wastes and run off to protect surface water and groundwater. The directive is implemented in Ireland by S.I. No. 101/2009  – European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice For Protection of Waters) Regulations 2009 which revoke, and re-enact with amendments,...


Rule and Regulations on Water Quality: Shellfish Water

Over the last 20+ years we have developed our understanding of the many rules and regulation governing water quality and how they are implemented in Ireland and which our clients need to both be aware of and comply with, including: Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990 EPA Acts 1990 – 2011 The Water Framework Directive...


Drinking Water: Quality, Regulations, Measurements

The Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption was implemented in Ireland by S.I. No. 278/2007  – European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations 2007 These Regulations prescribe quality standards to be applied, and related supervision and enforcement procedures in relation to supplies of drinking water, including requirements as to sampling frequency,...


Environmental Legislation documents and weblinks

Environmental related legislation documents and weblinks are available on from Envirocentre including: Water Pollution Control as it affects Industry Waste Legislation Environmental Impact Assessment Strategic Environmental Assessment Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Ambient Air Quality Legislation Control of Noise Emissions Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances Regulations (CoMAH) Energy using Products Directive Planning...


Water Framework Directive: Overview and Terms

2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy, known as the Water Framework Directive. The Directive is implemented by S.I. 722/2003 European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 The directive relates to planning for protection and improvement of all waters, including surface...


Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)

The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) is a law which aims to protect and improve the quality of all waters throughout the European Union. The key objectives of the Directive are to: protect and enhance the status of aquatic ecosystems promote sustainable use of water provide for sufficient supply of good quality water provide enhanced protection and...


EU Industrial Emissions Directive

The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government invites comments on the transposition of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU). The Directive revises and merges seven separate existing Directives related to industrial emissions into a single Directive and aims to simplify existing legislation related to industrial emissions.  The seven existing Directives are the: 3 Titanium...


European Commission refers Ireland to Court over incomplete environmental impact assessment laws

The aim of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive (EIA Directive) is to ensure that projects which are likely to have a significant effect on the environment are adequately assessed before they are approved. To identify and assess possible impacts on the environment before any decision is taken to allow the project to proceed. To allow...