Excellence Award for Limerick County Council Water Project

Limerick County Council have seen off competition from 33 other Local Authority areas to be named winner of the ‘Strategic Water Initiative of the Year’ award for the Kilmallock Water Supply. Limerick County Council earlier this year become the first Irish recipient of a prestigious internationally-recognised quality standard for the delivery of drinking water when...


Grant for Group Sewerage Schemes

The Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan, announced on 17 December 2012 that he is increasing the grant for Group Sewerage Schemes to €6,500 per house or 75% of the cost of the scheme, whichever is the lesser. The current rate of grant available for group sewerage schemes is €2,031.58 per house or 75% of...


Guidelines on Water Pollution Licencing Legislation

In Ireland, in cases where Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) is not applicable, the control of water pollution is exercised through the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990. City and County councils are the licensing authorities A discharge of wastewater (effluent) to waters (river, stream, lake, estuary etc. and groundwater) or to a municipal sewer...


EU launches prize for innovative public authorities

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation has launched a competition to find the most innovative public authorities in Europe. I Up to nine prizes of €100,000 will be awarded to successful, already running public initiatives that benefit citizens, firms or the education and research sector. The purpose of the prize is to encourage...


Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund Grants

The Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund promotes sustainable development by assisting small scale, non-profit environmental projects at a local level. Projects are recommended for funding by local authorities following an open call for applications. A total of 490 projects have been funded this year. These projects are co-funded by the Department and Local Authorities...