Wastewater: Activated Sludge – Pinfloc

Pin-floc in activated sludge may be defined as very fine floc particles with poor settling characteristics. Pin-floc/deflocculation may be assessed through visual observation: Carryover of very fine material in final effluent Turbid or milky appearance of final effluent Bacterial flocs have disintegrated into tiny ‘pinhead sized’ particles; Filaments not predominant (microscopic examination) Settleability test may...


Process Control requires correct interpretation of Control Parameters

It is a well established fact that information relating to key control parameters is essential to optimize wastewater treatment plant performance.  In our experience it is all too common for problems to arise where information is either not generated or, more times than not, not reviewed or interpreted correctly. #ecos saves businesses a lot of...


Wastewater: Activated Sludge – Common Operating Problems

Information relating to key control parameters is essential if one is to optimize wastewater treatment plant performance. Many business could save themselves a lot of time and money through recording and reviewing information on a regular basis. The establishment of target and optimum ranges for key control parameters can assist in forecasting when non-compliances could...