Water Resource €100k Cap Ex Saving

ECOS has been working with a manufacturing business since 2012 when we saved them €100,000 capital expenditure and €25,000 annual operational costs through optimising their use of a water resource. Through modification of a production process a waste stream was reduced by in excess of 90% , negating the need for on-site treatment. Additional savings...


Circular Economy can contribute to reducing emissions

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has presented a methodological approach which can help identify and prioritise circular efforts that can contribute to reducing emissions in any sector.  For example –  reducing the use of concrete, cement and steel in the building sector can cut materials-related greenhouse gas emissions by 61% over a building’s life cycle stages...


Lean practices and improved environmental performance

Lean practices and improved environmental performance

The link between Lean practices and environmental performance has been well documented.  Lean practices can contribute to enhanced environmental and business performance. The most obvious benefits of Green and Lean are cost savings which are synergistically coupled with value creation opportunities. Cost savings may include energy savings, productivity savings, and savings from improved utilisation of...


Lean and Green: Interchangeable terms to describe business improvement

Lean and Green are terms which are interchangeable in terms of many aspects of business. Many manufacturers know the benefits of lean manufacturing: higher productivity, better quality, reduced cycle time, plus enhanced employee engagement. Lean is excellent at marshalling different groups and individuals into a high performing team focused on rooting out waste. Environmental waste...


Lean is Green

It can be said that lean is green.  A lean organisation understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. The core idea is to maximise customer value while minimising waste.   Lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer...


Lean/Green Business Offer from IDA Ireland & Enterprise Ireland

IDA Ireland, in partnership with Enterprise Ireland is providing a Lean/Green Business Offer to their client companies which will commence with a diagnostic audit of current practice and performance including the first steps to green competitiveness.  This business offer is designed to encourage clients to adopt Lean/Green business principles to increase performance and competitiveness that...


Lean and environmental (Lean/Green) funding supports

Lean and environmental (Lean/Green) funding supports are available from: Local Enterprise Offices for small and micro companies Udaras Na Gaeltachta for companies located in Gaeltacht regions Enterprise Ireland for indigenous companies, exporting and typically employing more than 10 employees. Also for Multi-national companies using natural resources. Industrial Development Authority (IDA) for Foreign owned companies The state...


5 Lean Principles Every Manager Should Know

Lean was originally created by Toyota to eliminate waste and inefficiency in its manufacturing operations.  The process became so successful that it has been embraced in manufacturing sectors around the world. The goal of lean is to eliminate waste – the non-value-added components in any process or service. By its very nature Lean utilises the...


Overview of GreenStart Funding Support

GreenStart provides an introduction to environmental best practice and helps in the preparation of a formalised environmental management structure.  This can help your company achieve competitive advantage through greater resource efficiency (energy/water/waste costs) and greater market share through enhanced credentials in a short, focused engagement.  The initiative is designed for companies that are unfamiliar with...